AirFig Productions - Drone Photography Service

Our Mission

AirFig Productions will provide professional, fast, affordable, and most importantly reliable drone data. With our information we will help our customers make better-informed, in-time decisions, about their projects.

We here at AirFig Productions enjoy the role we play in the drone service industry. When it comes to projects, regardless of size, we promise to make the process, smooth and professional. All of our imagery and drone data will be top notch quality. No matter what size the project is, we are here to help.


AirFig Productions advantages are only as strong as our clients, do to offering services. Aside from ensuring our team is flexible, fast, can provide expert advice and work on short deadlines, we will take the following steps to support our clients in:

·       Ensuring we are following every FAA regulation

·       Provide daily or weekly updates

·       We are a virtual company without a lot of overhead costs or strict corporate rules, which saves time, money and create a flexible workplace for getting things done.

·       Develop close relationships with our subcontractors who can support us in areas needed.

·       All drone pilots have experience in Adobe Cloud Apps

·       All drone pilots are FAA Part 107 certified